Angular – How to create a data aware custom component

Introduction This blog will demonstrate how to create an Angular component that you are able to add [ngModel] [formControl] and [formControlName] attributes to your custom component, and have your component correct implement the features required to work with Angular forms. Setting up the ngModule First add FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule to your main NgModule’s import declaration …
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TypeScript – A polyfill to extend the Object class to add a values property to complement the keys property

I expect you’ve used Object.keys at some point. Here is how to extend the Object class to add a values property. This kind of thing is useful when you have a lookup of keys where all of the values are the same type, such as the following object you’d expect to see in a Redux …
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TypeScript – Get a Lambda expression as a string

One of the things I really like about C# is the ability to convert a lambda into a string. It’s useful for doing all kinds of things, especially when you are calling a 3rd party library’s method that expects a string identifying a member of an object. I saw this was lacking in TypeScript, which …
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Angular – How to create composite controls that work with formGroup/formGroupName and ReactiveForms

This blog post will show you how to create composite controls in AngularX that allow you to reuse them across your application using the formGroupName directive to data-bind them. We’ll start off with a very basic component that uses a reactive form to edit a person and their address. Editing a person’s name and address …
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Redux sub-reducer pattern for complex / nested data structures

I love the idea of the Redux pattern, the way all reducers are pure and predictable. I love the way they are effectively listeners that act on event notifications received from a central dispatcher, and I really like the way the whole approach simplifies the application and makes code in my Angular app’s components only …
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Loading an assembly from a specific path, including all sub dependencies

public static class AssemblyLoader { private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> AssemblyDirectories = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(); static AssemblyLoader() { AssemblyDirectories[GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory()] = true; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += ResolveAssembly; } public static Assembly LoadWithDependencies(string assemblyPath) { AssemblyDirectories[Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath)] = true; return Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath); } private static Assembly ResolveAssembly(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { string dependentAssemblyName = args.Name.Split(’,’)[0] + ".dll"; List<string> directoriesToScan = AssemblyDirectories.Keys.ToList(); …
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Running dotnet core xUnit tests on Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)

1: Run dotnet restore to restore package dependencies. 2: Run dotnet build to build the binaries. 3: Run dotnet test to run the tests. Note the additional parameters –no-build to prevent a rebuild and –logger “trx;LogFileName=tests-log.trx” to ensure the test results are written to disk, 5: Use  a Publish Test Results tasks to output the …
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